Born in 1981. Ph.D. (Information Studies), after working as a researcher at NTT InterCommunication Center (ICC), co-founder of Dividual, Inc., currently a professor at Waseda University, Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences. His research focuses on the relationship between technology, humans, and more-than-human worlds. He leads the Ferment Media Research group to develop “Nukabot,” a fermentation robot that they initially exhibited for “Broken Nature” at XXII La Triennale Milano (2019.3.1~9.1). As the art unit dividual inc. (with Takumi Endo), they exhibited “Last Words / TypeTrace” at Aichi Triennale 2019 “Tame Y/Our Passion” (2019.8.1~10.1), where they collected will writing processes from more than 2,000 people. From October 2020 to June 2021, he served as the exhibition director of 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT “traNslatioNs – Understanding Misunderstanding.” His recent publications include “Modern Japanese Literature as Commons” (East Press) and “Mirai wo tsukuru kotoba: wakariaenasa wo tsugnagu tame ni” (Words that Create the Future: To Connect the Unintelligible) (Shinchosha, Inc.). His supervised translation books include Sandor Katz’s “Fermentation as Metaphor” (O’Reilly Japan) and Rafael Calvo & Dorian Peters’ “Positive Computing” (BNN Shinsha), and he has also supervised the book “To Co-Create Our Well-Being: The Technology, Ideology, and Practice” (BNN Shinsha), among others.
Photo by Rakutaro Ogiwara

“Ima koko kara, anata no koto ga mieru/mienai
(I Can/Can’t See You From Here Now)”
Tokyo International Forum Hall D7
2022.11.23 – 25
(I Can/Can’t See You From Here Now)”
Tokyo International Forum Hall D7
2022.11.23 – 25
Written by Dominique Chen|2023.1.24